The question: how long does homebrew keep, depends on a number of factors: the style of beer, the alcohol content, storage conditions, whether the beer was bottled with good sanitation.
I think what we really want to know is this – does the beer still taste good? Is it safe to drink? Does the homebrew last in the bottle? Discovering a stash of homebrew at my parent’s house over the holidays brought me to explore these questions.
The short answer is this: it depends. Most commercial brews have a best by date of about three months from the bottling date. Some beers lend themselves to aging more than others, but whatever the case, drinking old bottles of beer is safe, even if it doesn’t taste very good. The beer will last, but sometimes, not the flavor.
So how long does homebrew keep? To guide you through how long you should let your homebrew age, if at all, here are some general guidelines…
General Rules for Aging Homebrew
- Once bottles have conditioned for a few weeks, most homebrewed ales are best enjoyed within a few months. That said, sometimes they still taste good after six months or longer. Lagers usually require a cold conditioning period of a few weeks to a few months before consuming.
- Hoppy beers should be enjoyed fresh – don’t age them! You generally don’t age your pale ales and IPAs so that you can enjoy their lively hop flavors and aromas at their peak. This freshness does not last long in these beers.
- Some of the best beers for aging are high-gravity beers like barleywine and Russian imperial stout. If brewed and bottled with good sanitation, these beers can keep for a year or longer! This bigger the beer the longer it will last.
- When aging homebrews, maintain a steady temperature and avoid exposure to UV light. UV light can degrade the hops in beer and “skunk” your homebrew. Try in the corner of a basement, on the floor, to help your homebrew last longer.
Aging Homebrew: An Experiment
To illustrate, I have a few examples. When I went home for the holidays, I found a stash of homebrew from a year ago.
- Spiced Cherry Dubbel – This beer, inspired by the book Radical Brewing, came out to 7.7% ABV. It was brewed with tart cherry and black cherry juice added to the fermenter. My notes indicate that the beer was a little strong on the cherry flavors, but still enjoyable, with little cinnamon flavor, if any.
- Winter Wassail – This is a winter spiced ale made with cranberries and green apples, and it’s become something of an annual brew for me. The recipe can be found in the book the Homebrewer’s Garden. This particular batch came out to 7.4% ABV, with a fairly assertive acidity from the cranberries and green apples. It turned out almost like a sour beer, which in my opinion is a good thing, even though I might dial it down next time around.
- “Braggot”/Brown IPA Experiment –
This beer was a partigyle from the Winter Wassail above. That means I took the low gravity final runnings from the mash of that beer to make a different beer. To boost the gravity, I added honey, and just for the hell of it, some hops to a gallon of wort just to see what would happen. This was one of those “why not?” experiments. I remember the result being rather cidery and unimpressive.
So how did these beers keep over time?
Surprisingly, the Winter Wassail and Spiced Cherry Dubbel hardly changed at all. They both kept very well. If anything, they became a little more balanced, but for the most part, they were exactly like I remembered them. I was kind of shocked that the fruit flavors lasted at all, but I was pleased to discover no evidence of oxidation or infection.
On the other hand, the “braggot” concoction was unrecognizable. I actually had to go back to my notes to identify what it was. The beer was kind of bland, with a sort of spicy, sort of cheesy hop character, which just wasn’t pleasing at all. I suspect that the low alcohol content didn’t preserve the beer very well, and the hops, being the main flavor feature, degraded quite a bit. This homebrew did not keep at all, so I dumped it.
The conclusion here is when you ask, “how long does homebrew keep?”, you have to know what homebrew you’re talking about. All don’t keep the same. Some homebrews to last long at all, while some keep quite well.
What’s the longest that you’ve ever aged a homebrew? How did it hold up?
David Ackley is a beer writer, homebrewer, and self-described “craft beer crusader.” He holds a General Certificate in Brewing from the Institute of Brewing and Distilling and is founder of the Local Beer Blog.
While not knowing beer tastes nomenclatures, I drink a lot. My best beer was a 750ml and 18 months aged “Maudite” from “Unibroue” a Quebec, Canada based brewers. It is one of their representative that told me about aging beers, told me their products were at their best at 2 years of age. I’ve tried the experience with a lot of products, mostly big bottles with cork caps.
I have a few “teenagers” as they are called in the homebrew discipline (beers >12 yr old) – something akin to a “white whale” if you know this term from rare commercial craft brews. Generally very strong – 10-12% ABV – Imperial Stouts quads and triples that do very well after many years. The flavors change but are still enticing and note none of these styles has much in the way of hop flavor up front. Lots of stone fruit and caramel with some definite smoothing of the flavors as well. If live yeast was present at bottling then oxidation is usually not a problem as they will consume it. I have yet to detect much autolysis either. Takes patience though! One tip to keeping such old beer is to brew enough that you always have a surplus around so a few always seem to be left for the archive! Cheers, RCB.
I just discovered 7 bottles of a Chocolate coffee stout that I pitched May ’16, bottled in July ’16. I thought it was all gone so was really happy to find them buried in my stash. It is only 5.5% ABV, I was worried it might have gotten too old. Well I cracked one open, and WOW it is even better now that it had aged. So 1.5 months aging in the secondary, and then 8 mos in the bottle and it is fantastic. I’m trying to not drink the other 6 bottles. Self control is key…
Tonight I cracked open an English Bitter bottled in September 2016. Still delicious although a little murky. Was surprised as i was expecting it to be skunky at an ABV of around 5.5%.