I Have Apples! Now What?

Basket Of Apples For Making WineDear E. C. Kraus
I just picked some apples from our trees and they are so sweet. I would love to try making some apple wine with them, I don’t know what to do can you help me out on this at all.
Dear Midge,
All the information you need to make apple wine can be found at the following links on our website:

  • Apple Wine Recipe: This link has all kinds of wine recipes, including one for your apple wine that you are needing. All of the recipes list the ingredients you will need to make the wine.
  • 7 Easy Steps To Making Wine: This link goes over the basic steps of making wine: when to put in the yeast; when to siphon; when to bottle, etc. It’s laid out in plain English and very easy to understand. These are the directions you should be following with the apple wine recipe.
  • Home Wine Making With Fruits: This article has some further information that you may be interested in taking a look at. It gives a little more detail as to the “in’s-and-out’s” of wine making. It’s a great overview of the entire wine making process whether you are making apple wine or blackberry wine.
  • Your Fruit! Necessities Box:Shop Wine Making Kits This is a starter kit that we offer for the beginning winemaker. It has all the wine making materials you will need to get started, including the ingredients listed in your apple wine recipe. It’s an easy, straight-forward way to get started.

I hope this information helps you out. Our website has much, much more information for the first-time wine maker, lots of articles and detailed information about the products we offer. Feel free to visit our site to learn more.
Best Wishes,
Ed Kraus
Ed Kraus is a 3rd generation home brewer/winemaker and has been an owner of E. C. Kraus since 1999. He has been helping individuals make better wine and beer for over 25 years.

5 thoughts on “I Have Apples! Now What?

  1. You say you have a recipe for making apple wine from apples. All I see is a recipe for making apple wine from apple juice. Do you have a apple wine recipe when using apples?

      • Sally, I’ve been making wine from apple cider for several years now. And from what my friends say – it’s pretty good! I start w/ six gallons of fresh apple cider in a primary fermenter. (Double check to be sure it hasn’t been treated w/ preservatives.) I add enough sugar (you can add honey as well) to get the sg up to 1.090+. I then add a tablespoon each of peptic enzyme and yeast nutrient. Red Star Premier Pasture Blanc seems to work great as well as Lalvin 71B-1122 for yeast. I have added raisins, cloves, cinnamon etc. After that, pretty much standard practice as far as transferring and racking. Comes out about 14%. A little back sweetening really brings out the flavor.

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