Hello Anthony,
Yes, we have just that!Our SunCal Wine Making Kit is a beginner wine making kit that was designed to allow you to make wine less expensively than what you can buy it at the store. It includes all the wine making materials and ingredients you will need to make your first 5 gallon batch of homemade wine. After that, you can continue to make wine for about $3.00 dollars a bottle.You can choose from 16 different wine grape concentrates to make wines such as Cabernet Sauvignon or Chardonnay. And you can make them as sweet as you like or as dry as you like. That’s one of the great bonuses of making your own wine. Not only are you saving money, but you get to make wine the way you like it.The SunCal Wine Making Kit comes with fool-proof, homemade wine instructions that take you by the hand and guide you through the whole wine making process. And what’s really great is once you’ve made your first batch, there’s no more learning. All the other SunCal wine concentrates you can choose are made exactly the same way.
The beginner Wine Making Kit is a simple, painless way to learn how to make your own wine. You can also give us a call any time you like if you have a question. We’ve been helping beginning home winemakers just like yourself for over 45 years now. We know how to guide you through the wine making process and get your first batch of wine brewing.
The beginner Wine Making Kit is a simple, painless way to learn how to make your own wine. You can also give us a call any time you like if you have a question. We’ve been helping beginning home winemakers just like yourself for over 45 years now. We know how to guide you through the wine making process and get your first batch of wine brewing.
Best Wishes,
Customer Service at E. C. Kraus
Ed Kraus is a 3rd generation home brewer/winemaker and has been an owner of E. C. Kraus since 1999. He has been helping individuals make better wine and beer for over 25 years.
Ed Kraus is a 3rd generation home brewer/winemaker and has been an owner of E. C. Kraus since 1999. He has been helping individuals make better wine and beer for over 25 years.
Actually, if your gonna suggest a kit for dummies, I would go with one of the starter kits that have the "european select" or similar "wine kit’s" in it instead of the SunCal. I’ve made a few of the SuCals and they can be a little trickier that the label suggests. Bu the "juice kit’s in the box" with all the ingredients and fool proof instructions I have found to turn out Excellent vino every time. It might cost a little more in the beginning but it really gives you a feel for what you can do. I know my first kit was a Niagara Mist Raspberry Merlot and I was so happy (because I first tried making beer and it was not good) that I now have my on mini winery at home, with my own labels and facebook page.
I Like Your Blog I Need A Beginner Wine Making Kit For Dummies! .I Am Very Happy To Read Of Your Blog.Really Great Post.Its brilliant.